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Download Google Earth Free

Get a free guide to help you download
and get started with Google Earth

Google Earth is the award winning Free program that lets you
view the entire world in 3 dimensions through satellite imagery

Click below to download a Free Google Earth guide including videos, screenshots, tips and technical support that will help you install and run Google Earth smoothly.

For The Free Google Earth Download Click Here

Our Free Package includes:

How it Works

You will get a free copy of our e-book, which will show you how to download, install, set up and use Google Earth, step-by-step. Our guide also features cool tips to help you improve your user experience. You will also receive a link to our how-to video, which will guide you through the entire process of downloading and using Google Earth.

Once Google Earth is up and running, you will have access to a powerful tool that will let you visit almost any place on earth, right from your computer. From seeing your own house to a trip destination or landmarks accross the world, Google Earth is both fun and useful. So don't wait to download your Start-up Guide.

Click here to see what some of our users have to say.

More On Google Earth:

I love Google Earth because it provides a truly unique experience. You can zoom and fly all over the world in 3D. You can see small details from satelite images like cars, houses trees, etc. You can create custom maps and even find your nearest grocery store and fly their in 3D! Many major cities have all the buildings visable in 3 dimensions. I like to make Google Earth fly through the buildings and around town in big cities like Chicago and New York.

Google Earth is also a great educational tool. I've heard many parents say how great of a tool it is to teach their kids about geography and the world.

Friends and loved ones use Google Earth to view where each other are living, staying or working when they are far from home. As a father who travels a lot - it's nice to be able to show my kids exactly where I am in the world.

There are even games centered around Google Earth. People are using the program to play games like "Battleship". There's even an official Google Earth forum called "fun & games".

If for some reason you don't want our exclusive members only benefits like our guides, videos, forums and support - you can always download Google Earth directly from the Official Google Earth Site.